
lunedì 3 agosto 2015

Inculturazione e turismo

Ecco il Guida

Mentre i fratelli del secondo e del terzo anno partecipano alle attività  pastorali, oppure imparano le lingue fuori Roma, quelli del primo anno studiano l’italiano a Roma stessa. Ma lo studio no è la loro unica occupazione. Essere insieme e costruire comunità è una sfida ancora più grande. Ciò che aiuta di più questo processo d’integrazione sono le gite fatte insieme. Il primo sabato d’agosto, insieme al loro superiore i ‘nuovi romani’ sono andati a visitare une delle meraviglie più belle in Italia – la città di Bagnoregio. Tornando a casa si sono soffermati anche a Montefiascone per conoscere la storia del famoso vino Est Est Est e a Viterbo dove – secondo la tradizione – era nato il nome ‘conclave’.  Wojciech Popielewski


Ce samedi premier Aout, les nouveaux scolastiques de la communauté du Scolasticat International de Rome ont fait une excursion à 145km au nord de Rome. Cività di Bagnoregio est un village qui a obtenu le nobel des Plus Beaux Bourgs d’Italie. On l’appelle le village mourant en raison de l’érosion rapide du site. Ce village a été fondé il y a plus de 2500 par des Etrusques. C’était dans ce village que Saint François d’Assise aurait guéri un petit Giovanni Fedanza qui allait devenir Saint Bonaventure. Il est placé en 2006 sur la liste de surveillance du Fonds mondial pour les monuments. Omdel


On a beautiful Saturday we, the Scholastics with our new Superior went on a picnic to a place called Bagnoregio. This is the place where St. Bonaventure was born. We were drawn to a situation where we felt so sad, it is because this village had to face different geological configuration such as wind, rain, and earthquake as well and only a small part of this village is remaining. In the middle of the bridge there had been a very big Franciscan Monastery built by St. Bonaventure, but now it is no more. We also visited a place known as Montefiascone. This place is famous for wine tourism. This is also called Est!! Est!! Est!! di  Montefiascone. Here we bought a bottle of wine in order that we would enjoy it and also remember this Historical place in life.
At last we visited a palace where the Cardinals were convened to elect a Pope. And this place, Viterbo, reminds us as to how the name 'Conclave' came into existence. 
We really enjoyed our picnic and these historical places give us messages to reflect and meditate upon our way of life and our Vocation. Thanks to the Superior who gave us a surprise on this day, because we never knew as to where we were going. After having got down from the car we started cherishing the beauty of the Place.  James  


Los últimos escolásticos llegados a Roma están enfrascados, de lunes a viernes, en el estudio de la bella lengua de Dante Alighieri y Alessandro Manzoni. Pero los fines de semana tratan de inculturarse en el País que los acoge. Guiados por el nuevo superior del IRS, visitan la Ciudad Eterna y otras ciudades históricas. En la última excursión visitaron Bañoregio, la ciudad de S. Buenaventura; Montefiascone, ciudad del vino Est; y Viterbo, la ciudad de los Papas y del primer cónclave. Joaquín

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