ES. Clausura del curso
Terminados los exámenes, hemos celebrado un fiesta de clausura del curso y de despedida a los escolásticos del último año, que terminaban su estancia en Roma. La Misa vespertina de acción de gracias, presidida por el Vicario General, P. Paolo Archiati, y concelebrada por todo el equipo de formadores y directores espirituales, fue seguida de una cena de sabor asiático, preparada por los escolásticos, en el jardín del escolasticado, fondo de música, regalos a los que partían, discursos y, como colofón, la consabida danza africana. Un gozoso clima de familia, típicamente oblato. ¡Buen viaje y fecundo apostolado en la misión que les espera!
FR. La fin del année scolaire
Une fois terminés les examens, nous avons célébré la clôture de l'année et le départ des scolastiques finissants. L’Eucharistie d’action de grâces, présidée par le Vicaire Général, P. Paolo Archiati, et concélébrée par toute l'équipe des formateurs et des directeurs spirituels, a été suivie par le dîner, préparé par nos scolastiques, dans le jardin du Scolasticat, animé par la musique, cadeaux-souvenirs, des discours et la danse de l'Africaine du Sud. Une atmosphère de famille, typiquement oblate. Nous souhaitonsun bon voyage et fécond apostolat dans leur mission au partants !
Degli scolastici dell'ultimo anno rimane a Roma soltanto uno.
IT. Chiusura dell’anno scolastico
Finiti gli esami, abbiamo celebrato la festa di partenza in onore degli scolastici che finivano il soggiorno a Roma. L'Eucaristia per ringraziare il Signore è stata presieduta dal Vicario Generale, P. Paolo Archiati, e concelebrata dai formatori e accompagnatori spirituali. In seguito, la cena saporita, preparata dai nostri bravi cuochi scolastici, nel giardino dello scolasticato. Musica, regali-souvenirs, discorsi… e alla fine, come sempre, la tradizionale danza africana. Il tutto, in un'atmosfera di famiglia, tipicamente oblata. Buon viaggio ai partenti e fecondo apostolato nella nuova missione!
EN. Closure of the academic year
Having finished with the final exams, we had a big celebration in honor of the scholastics who finished their studies, thus ending their stay in Rome. The Eucharist to thank the Lord was presided by the Vicar General, Fr. Paul Archiati, and concelebrated by the formators and spiritual directors. After the Eucharist we had a very tasty dinner in the garden of the scholasticate, prepared by our skilled scholastics “chefs”. Music, gifts-souvenirs, speeches ... and finally, as always, the traditional African dance. All this in a family atmosphere, typically oblate. To those who are leaving, we wish you a safe journey and a fruitful apostolate in the missions!
Having finished with the final exams, we had a big celebration in honor of the scholastics who finished their studies, thus ending their stay in Rome. The Eucharist to thank the Lord was presided by the Vicar General, Fr. Paul Archiati, and concelebrated by the formators and spiritual directors. After the Eucharist we had a very tasty dinner in the garden of the scholasticate, prepared by our skilled scholastics “chefs”. Music, gifts-souvenirs, speeches ... and finally, as always, the traditional African dance. All this in a family atmosphere, typically oblate. To those who are leaving, we wish you a safe journey and a fruitful apostolate in the missions!
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